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The Barrett Elective Program is one of the most diverse and comprehensive available. Students at every grade level have the opportunity to choose an elective that will enhance learning, as well as appeal to individual goals and skills that will help establish a framework for the future.

Elective Videos

Art Elective Video
AVID Elective Video
Band Elective Video
Drama Elective Video
Media Elective Video
Sports Elective Video
STEM Elective Video
Student Leadership Elective Video
Yearbook Elective Video

Elective Wheel - 6th grade

6th grade default. Students rotate through the following electives throughout the school year exposing them to a balanced introduction to art, music, computer science, and study skills.

Year-Long Electives - All grade levels

Semester Courses - 7th/8th Grade Students

Year-Long Electives - 7th/8th Grade Students Only