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We urge all parents to consider achievement test data, grades in core subject areas, and school/teacher recommendation prior to requesting placement of your student in an Honors class or classes. Motivation and interest level of the student relative to each subject should also be strongly considered.

Indicators of Honors student success:

  • Demonstrates interest/curiosity in the subject area.
  • Previous exposure to prerequisite skills and vocabulary in the subject area.
  • Motivation remains high in face of challenges
  • Reads above grade level.
  • Engages in higher level critical thinking.
  • Self-motivated, organized, and works independently for extended periods.
  • Demonstrates ability to self-advocate; seeks help and guidance when needed.
  • Consistently completes and submits assignments on time.
  • Actively participates in class activities and discussions with appropriate peer interactions.
  • Extends learning by voluntarily going beyond the parameters of assignments.
  • Enjoys learning, and makes connections between subjects and with the larger world.

There is a very strong expectation that students complete the year in the level (standard or Honors) that they started. 

Based on instructional best practice, and the limitations of the master schedule, we do NOT support the approach of trying an Honors level class, and changing midyear if it is not working out, or vice versa.

Visit the San Juan Unified School District website for more information.

2025-2026 honors agreement

Students not currently enrolled in the San Juan Unified School District and are interested in applying
for Honors classes, must provide current attendance, report cards, and standardized testing scores by April 11, 2025.

Accelerated math is available to 7th graders who excel in math during their 6th grade year. Students interested in accelerated math will need to achieve As and Bs in their 6th grade year, and teacher recommendation is required to enter the program.