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Student Handbook

The staff at John Barrett Middle School is pleased to welcome students and parents to the Barrett family and asks for your partnership in making the transition to middle school productive, positive, and full of purpose.  We are committed to making the middle school years happy and successful for all students who attend our school.  We encourage each student to take advantage of the wide range of educational and extracurricular experiences that are offered.

This handbook is divided into three parts and is intended to be used as a reference by both students and parents:

  • General Information
  • Behavior Expectations
  • Campus Rules and Policies

This information is provided to help students transition smoothly into middle school by providing basic information about the school and an understanding of school expectations for behavior including consequences for inappropriate behavior.  Our objective in sharing this information with students and parents is to optimize student learning and success while at Barrett Middle School.

General Information

Behavior Expectations

Barrett Middle school has three principles known as the 3B’s that govern all student behavior:

Be Safe

Be Respectful

Be Responsible

We want all students, parents, staff, and community members to be proud of our school and students. By adhering to the above principles at all times and by making wise choices, students model behavior and characteristics to make all of us proud. 

Campus Rules and Policies

A school climate where students are safe, act respectfully, and are responsible provides training and practice for students to develop into successful, responsible members of society. The rules and policies contained in this handbook have been developed by staff, students, and the community with your safety and optimal opportunities for learning in mind.

Students are expected to follow all school and district policies in addition to general school rules including individual classroom teacher’s procedures. Experience has shown that a clear understanding of the school’s expectations, along with wise choices regarding these matters on the part of students, contributes to a safe environment that fosters learning and success.

Students who violate school rules are subject to school discipline and in some instances may be referred to law enforcement depending on the seriousness of the offense. Please refer to the State Education Code and District policies

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